EDITOR’S NOTE: Do you have a Revival, Homecoming, a new pastor, a community outreach or a concert? The Baptist Message would love to share your church news with the rest of the state. It is very easy to do, just send in your information (who, what, where and when) to philip@baptistmessage.com or call 318.449.4345. To get your event in the paper, please submit your information three weeks prior to the event.
Richard, wife Lee, Ainsworth is the new traditional worship leader at First Baptist Church, Ruston.
Katie, husband Kevin, Dyer director of youth at Elm Grove Baptist Church, Shreveport.
Joseph Cumberland resigned as youth minister at Rose Park Baptist Church
Darryl Robinson is the new pastor at Ludington Baptist Church, DeRidder.
Jason Frazier is the interim pastor at Shreve City, Shreveport.
Stacey Morris is the new director for Camp Living Waters, Loranger.
Brian Prucey is interim pastor at Woodridge Baptist Church, Shreveport.
Faye Scott retires after 30 years as children’s minister at First Baptist Church, New Orleans.
First Baptist Church, Jackson: 187th Homecoming, June 26, 11 a.m. Dinner on the grounds will follow the worship service. Pastor: Joe Nesom.
Gray’s Creek Baptist Church, Denham Springs: 75th Anniversary, June 26, 10:30 a.m. Music: Greg Sullivan Ministries. Pastor: David Brown.
Philadelphia Baptist Church, Deville: 150th Anniversary celebration, June 26, 10 a.m. The celebration will begin on the Deville Campus with a single service at 10:00 AM where there will be a special worship service with former staff and special friends, a historical walk-through, followed by a meal and plenty of fellowship. Morning worship at Horseshoe Drive will be at 10:30 AM and will also include a special time of celebration. Pastor: Philip Robertson.
First Baptist Church, Baker: 90th Anniversary, June 26, 10:30 a.m. There will be potluck lunch following worship. Please call the church at 225.775.0520 if you are interested in celebrating with us. Pastor: Corey Olivier.
Pisgah Baptist Church, Forest Hill: Homecoming, June 26, 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Roland Hebert. Pastor: Mike Schultz.
Trinity Baptist Church, Pineville: Terrific Tuesdays in July, July 5, Jacob Crawford, Pastor of City Life NOLA, Meal: Shepherd’s Pie; July 12, Beau Guidry, Director of Small Groups, FBC Moss Bluff, Meal: chicken spaghetti; July 19, Clay Fuqua, Pastor of FBC Blanchard, Meal: pork loin; July 26, Jason McGuffie, Pastor of FBC West Monroe, Calhoun Campus, Meal: Lasagna. Meals served at 5:30pm $5/person $15/family. Pastor: Kevin Roberts.
New Hope Baptist Church, Elmer: Summer Revival, July 8-10. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, 6:30 nightly. Evangelist: Randall Creel. Music: The Mackey Willis Family. Pastor: Robert McClane.
Pilgrim’s Rest Baptist Church, Doyline: One night revival, July 10, 7 p.m. Speaker: Bill Britt, evangelist. Pastor: Ed Smith.
First Baptist Church, Keithville: Harvest Sunday, July 17, 10:15 a.m. Evangelist: Bill Britt. Pastor: Mike Stowell.
Pisgah Baptist Church, Florien: Revival, July 21-July 24, 6:30 p.m. nightly. Evangelist: Mike Courtney. Worship: Lon Almeida. Pastor: C.M. Kelly.
First Baptist Church, Princeton: Harvest Sunday, July 25. Evangelist: Bill Britt. Pastor: Darrell Cooper.
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Pollock: Pastor is needed at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. Send resumes to pleasanthillbapt@bellsouth.net or P.O. Box 520, Pollock, LA 71467.
Richey Baptist Church, Deville: VBS 2022 – Spark Studios, June 25-29, 6-8:30 p.m. Friday night will be family night. This is for children ages 4-12 years old. Pastor: Grady Dodge.
Rocky Springs Baptist Church, Lisbon: Spark Studios – Vacation Bible School, June 27-July 1, 5-8 p.m. This is for children 4 years old through the sixth grade. Pastor: Chris Stephens.
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Logansport: Trevor Thomas Live, July 1, 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy listening to this Christian entertainer and actor. Pastor: Richard Tull.
First Baptist Church, Minden: Brian Free & Assurance in concert, July 1, 6 p.m. Pastor: Leland Crawford.
First Baptist Church, Zwolle: July 4th Freedom Sunday, July 3, 10:30 a.m. To celebrate July 4th there will be a picnic luncheon after the worship service. The church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns and drinks. Members bring any side and dessert. Pastor: Marty Williams.
Stonewall Community Center, Stonewall: Men of Prayer, July 7, 6:30 p.m. Speaker: Chris Wilcutt, Grawood Baptist Church, Shreveport. Men of all ages are urged to join together for food, fellowship and God.
First Baptist Church, Winnfield: Family and Fireworks Celebration, July 4, 7-9 p.m. There will be music, hamburgers and hot dogs, inflatable jumpers and fireworks. Pastor: Jerry Pipes.
Refuge Baptist Church, Marksville: VBS 2022 – Spark Studios, July 4-8, 5-8 p.m. This is for kids kindergarten to sixth grade. A light supper will be served every night. Registration can be made via phone or Facebook Messenger or in person at the Refuge Care and Prayer Center, Mondays and Wednesdays, noon-4 p.m. Phone: 318.500.2536.
First Baptist Church, Keithville: Vacation Bible School 2022 – Monumental, July 10-13, 6-8:30 a.m. This is for children who have completed K-4 through 5th grade. Pastor: Mike Stowell.
First Baptist Church, New Orleans: Vacation Bible School 2022, July 11-15, 9 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Pastor: Chad Gilbert.
Elwood Baptist Church, Forest Hill: Vacation Bible School – 2022, July 11-15, 8:30 a.m.-noon. Everyone is invited to come learn, love and joy what God’s message has in store for you! Elwood Baptist Church is located behind Forest Hill Elementary School. Pastor: Michael Evans.
First Baptist Church, Jackson: VBS 2022 – The King is coming!, July 11-15, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Learn about God’s covenant with man, beginning with creation and ending with the new heavens and the new earth yet to come. You can register online at www.fbcoj.com and look for REGISTER FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. Pastor: Joe Nesom.
Cheniere Baptist Church, West Monroe: Louisiana Melody Boys in concert, July 17, 5:30p.m. Vacation Bible School, 2022 July 18-22, 6-8:30 p.m. Pastor: Zach Anderson.
Mt Vernon Baptist Church, West Monroe: Vacation Bible School 2022, July 24-29, 6-8:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church, Mangham: Vacation Bible School – Monumental, July 25-29, 6-8:30 p.m. Registration is online on our website (www.manghambaptist.org) and our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/manghambaptist/). Kick-Off Party will be July 24, 4:30-6:00 p.m. There will be jumpers, snow cones, nachos, corn holes, face painting, and balloons. Pastor: Rick Aultman.
Friendship Baptist Church, Baskin: Louisiana Melody Boys in concert, July 31, 11a.m. Pastor: Prentis Gandy.