By Message staff
MORGAN CITY, La. (LBM) – Nine days ago, Bayou Vista Baptist Church dodged a bullet.
While many sister churches, located just 40 miles to the east, sustained heavy damage from Hurricane Ida, Bayou Vista escaped the brunt of Ida which allowed the congregation to step up and serve as a hub for ministry.
Since Sept. 5, 30 Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team members have prepared between 5,000 to 10,000 meals daily that are distributed by the American Red Cross in communities throughout Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes. Louisiana Baptist Missions and Ministry Team Leader John Hebert said 27 of 32 churches who are members of Bayou Baptist Association which spans those two parishes sustained mold damage.
An additional six to eight volunteers have worked in chaplaincy and the incident command center which is located at the church, while another 20 team members have helped remove debris and clean out water-logged homes in the two-parish region.
Steven Kelly, pastor of Bayou Vista Baptist and director of missions for Gulf Coast Baptist Association, said around 15 of his members have cleaned showers and bathrooms at the site, modified the church’s outside wiring to accommodate the team’s equipment and assisted teams on the field.
“I’ve really enjoyed partnering with them,” Kelly told the Baptist Message. “They have been very, very sweet. Our people have embraced them.”

He encouraged Louisiana Baptists to continue praying and giving to disaster relief efforts that are making an eternal difference throughout south Louisiana.
“Southern Baptists thank you and Louisiana Baptists thank you for giving to the Cooperative Program,” he said. “Because in times like this we come together and the best of what we are is seen as we do together what we can never do apart. Thank you. Keep giving and keep praying. And we’ll get through this like we did last year following Hurricane Laura.”