By Dr. Will Hall, Editor ALEXANDRIA – Great reports are coming in about the impact of the Good News across Louisiana. Baptist Message readers might have made note of George Warshaw in our last edition. He became a babe in Christ in July at the age of 101 years old! Warshaw has been a faithful attender for many years at Calvary Baptist Church in Alexandria, and his wife Lou had been faithfully praying for his salvation since they married in 1991. Other churches, large and small, have shared great reports about the power of the Good News working in their communities as well. Pisgah Baptist in Forest Hill, which has about 70 worshippers Sunday mornings, reported baptizing 10 new believers this summer, 12 for the year (a marked increase over the 4 baptisms it averaged per year for the last decade or so). Likewise, First Bossier reported baptizing 22 born again disciples July 19, including 17 at Splash Kingdom, and has baptized 171 converts total through the first week of August. Meanwhile, Celebration Church in New Orleans baptized 92 during its “All In” weekend in July, bringing their total to 384 baptisms for the year and keeping them on pace to meet their goal of 520 baptisms by the end of the 2015. Louisiana Baptists’ … [Read more...]
As for me and my house…
By Diane DuBois Recent figures from a nationwide study show an alarming increase in a group of people now being referred to as the "nones". They describe themselves as atheists,agnostics or simply of no particular faith. This group has, between the years of 2007 and 2015, grown from 16 percent of the population to a near 23 percent. During this same time frame, the Christian numbers have dropped from 78 percent to just under 71 percent of the population. The Protestant faith which once made this country predominately Protestant now figures in at only 46.5 percent. The "nones" ,however, have grown at an alarming rate totaling 56 million. That makes them the second largest group trailing behind evangelicals who total in at 62 million. What does all that mean to us, as Christians? We, as the church, already know that religion is losing it's influence in public life. A recent Pew study confirmed that 72 percent of Americans believe that to be true as well. We see the demise reflected in the politics of our country. According to a Gallop poll, there is a striking difference between how the religious and non non-religious vote and the platforms they side with. The first group tends to be more conservative … [Read more...]
What’s next for America Polygamy?
By Jeff Iorg, President of Golden Gate Seminary MILL VALLEY, Calif. (BP) – Nathan Collier and his “wives” – Vicki and Christine – want to get married. Actually, Nathan and Vicki are already legally married but they live in a polygamous relationship with Christine. They recently went to the Yellowstone County Courthouse in Billings, Mont., to apply for a marriage license under the Marriage Equality Act to become a legal three-some. After some consideration, they were denied by county officials. They then appealed to the Montana attorney general. They were similarly denied. After being denied, Nathan said, “All we want is legal legitimacy. We aren’t asking anybody for anything else. We just want to give our marriage and our family the legitimacy that it deserves.” Sounds familiar. The Colliers are making the same arguments the LGBT community made in their quest to redefine marriage. We will now see if President Obama can evolve on polygamous marriage and the Supreme Court can mysteriously find “equal dignity” for them in the Constitution. Failure to do so would be the height of ethical and legal hypocrisy. Failure to now recognize polygamous marriage will reveal the supposedly legal basis for permitting same-sex … [Read more...]
A Millenial’s awakened hope for SBC
By Paul Dietzel II, member of Jefferson Baptist Church, Baton Rouge BATON ROUGE – One of the most regrettable legacies of the Millennial generation will be the forfeiture of many of the great institutions and traditions bequeathed to us in trust. To be sure, no man-made institution can emerge spotless from strict scrutiny. The institutions serving as agents or as a committee of the whole have been the mechanism whereby great advancements in history have taken flight. Yet, whether it was the Declaration of Independence drafted by perhaps one of the greatest subcommittees in world history (Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston can hardly be described as “establishment”) or the means employed in the founding of many of our nation’s colleges and universities, institutions or funding mechanisms can wither over time and drift from their original purpose. As I walked around the Greater Columbus Convention Center for the 2015 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, I was struck by the overall focus and unity of a multi-generational group of people determined to make an impact. I inhabit the technology and political sectors and, for better or worse, conventions or … [Read more...]
What Does Love Have To Do With It?
By Joe Gutherie, Lewiston Baptist Church, Kentwood The recent United States Supreme Court opinion in favor of same-sex marriage was based on the premise that the love between two individuals is the essence of marriage. Everyone from President Obama on down has based their argument for same-sex marriage simply on if two people love each other, then that gives them the right to be married. The day the decision was reached, the pro same-sex marriage contingent proudly waved their banners “Love Wins.” One must now ask the question what is love? And is it the love between two people, or the love for God that is most important? In answering these questions, only one opinion should be considered and that is the opinion of God as found in his Holy Scriptures. God’s first commission to man was to be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, Genesis 1:28. In order to accomplish this mandate according to God’s will, He instituted marriage between one man and one woman, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh, Genesis 2:24. The formula for marriage, as ordained by God, was leave, cleave, one flesh - only sex between a married husband and his wife is … [Read more...]
Transgender politics prove ‘the emperor is wearing no clothes’
By Will Hall, Message Editor ALEXANDRIA – The mainstream media are adoring toward Bruce Jenner’s “courageous” transition to “Caitlyn;” schools are introducing curriculum teaching sexual identity is a fluid concept and not a biological construct; and, the U.S. military has announced it is studying “the policy and readiness implications of welcoming transgender persons to serve openly … with the presumption that transgender persons can serve openly without adverse impact on military effectiveness and readiness, unless and except where objective, practical impediments are identified.” Remarkably, this push toward redefining sexual identity as “ambiguous” comes as homosexual activists just won legal recognition for gay marriage from the U.S. Supreme Court. And, ironically, it contradicts what Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in justifying the majority decision—that “sexual orientation is both a normal expression of human sexuality and immutable” (in other words, “fixed”). Even more incredibly, such social re-engineering is moving ahead in our country despite bodies of scientific research that conclude transsexuality is a psychiatric disease and, particularly with children, often is a transient condition that is best … [Read more...]
Abraham’s altar: Worship must be a priority in our lives
By Steve Horn, President of the Louisiana Baptist Convention and Pastor of First Baptist Church, Lafayette LAFAYETTE – Abraham’s story in Genesis 12 is a model story of what it means to take God at His word and obey. I have always been amazed at Abram’s faith depicted in this account. As I have often summarized about this story, “God said to Abram ‘Get up and go,’ and Abram got up and went.” The part of the story that I want to isolate is not Abram’s journey to the land of Canaan, but instead what he did when he got there. He built an altar. In fact in Abram’s case, we see a series of altars. In Chapter 12, we have two initial altars: 7 Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “I will give this land to your offspring.” So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him. 8 From there he moved on to the hill country east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. He built an altar to Yahweh there, and he called on the name of Yahweh. In chapter 13, we see the indication of additional altars. The first is the return to the altar between Bethel and Ai: 1 Then Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev—he, his wife, and all he had, and Lot with him. 2 Abram was very rich in livestock, … [Read more...]
We do not embrace a lifestyle that contradicts the Bible
By Tom Shepard It is a defining, sad statement I must acknowledge that the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled this month that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. I would remind people, and indeed of this country, the Supreme Court did not define marriage, and nor is it entitled to re-define it. Marriage was created by God in the Garden of Eden. This is the same God who created man and woman. God’s decisions are neither up for review nor revision by any man-made court in the land. God makes a clear statement about the definition of marriage in the Holy Scripture: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Many mighty nations including the Greek and Roman empires have all disappeared when they walked down the road of blatant rejection of God’s moral absolutes. We need to pray for our nation. If we continue to reject God’s principles and precepts we cannot expect to have His hand on this country. The President made a statement in his gay pride event he hosted in the White House last week. He said, “There has been an incredible shift in attitudes across the country.” What the president does not understand is the … [Read more...]
The legalization of same-sex marriage: A response
By Dr. David Hankins Dear Louisiana Pastors and Leaders, In the days since June 26, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, I have read and heard numerous commentaries on the subject and have mulled over what I should write to the Louisiana Baptist family. There is more to think about than can be conveyed in one letter (I hope you are availing yourself of resources being provided by respected Christian leaders) but I offer a few observations about how we should respond: We should grieve. My initial feeling upon hearing the ruling was a profound sense of sadness. I was not surprised by the ruling. It was expected, and was consistent with the rapid acceptance of homosexual behavior in our culture. But it grieves me greatly that America would ratify as a preferred way of life that which is so contradictory to Christ, His Word, and His Church. It is not as though there was a lack of abundant evidence of a growing anti-Christian sentiment in our country before June 26. But the Supreme Court decision felt to me like an official public pronouncement against God. I think I understand how Ezekiel felt when the Spirit showed him the religious leaders of Judah worshipping the … [Read more...]
Suggested policies for Louisiana Baptist churches on marriage, membership
ALEXANDRIA – Louisiana Baptist personnel have assembled a collection of guidelines for LBC affiliated churches to access to assist them in protecting themselves from liabilities arising from the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling that overturned the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. These sample policies cover a church’s statement of faith, beliefs about marriage as well as qualifications for and expectations of members, leaders, volunteers and workers. Although each has been thoroughly reviewed, there are limitations explained in the notes at the bottom of this article. Additional resources for pastors and churches are posted on, including a link to a handbook produced by the Alliance Defending Freedom which offers an Appendix A that contains other sample resources for churches as well for Christian schools and not-for-profit ministries. You may access the ADF handbook “Protecting Your Ministry” directly using this URL: SUGGESTED POLICIES FOR LOUISIANA BAPTIST CHURCHES CONCERNING MARRIAGE & MEMBERSHIP Statement of Faith: This church … [Read more...]
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