Archive March 22nd, 2015If golf is such a gentle sport, why does it hurt so much?What separates the Christian and Muslim religions?Bills proposed to allow churches more freedom in politicsWeekly AnnouncementsLouisiana churches face loss of sales tax exemptionLouisiana youth set to embark on reality-based missions experienceA blight on the landscape: Religious leaders speak out against legalized gamblingFinally, consensus is great – gambling has to goFor Louisiana retreat facility, ropes course seen as yet another means of ministry and sharing the gospel with others‘It is not just about money’ – LBC leaders look to teach total stewardshipLBC committee proposes change for directors of missionsWeekly AnnouncementsGrowing emphasis on ‘tolerance’ impacting evangelismHelping the gospel to be heard: For 57 years, Louisiana Baptists have presented an airwaves witness to South Louisiana through the French Radio HourChristianity and Islam – which is winning the world?La. Baptists need to do better caring for those who cared for usReigning Miss Teen Louisiana stays busy – but maintains a focus on faithWords can hurt – and heal Focus falling on dangers of gossip and verbal abuseEffort focuses on building chapels on every Louisiana prison groundsSpiritual weapon of prayer key to winning lost, Louisiana pastor emphasizesLouisiana legislature session features bills on moral and social concernsWeekly AnnouncementsChristians facing radical Hindu persecution in IndiaMission field ordeals taught this couple to trust God – for rescueFor the call to worship, just play ‘Give My Regards to Broadway’Weekly AnnouncementsSpeaker: Changing prayer meeting takes commitmentChurches need ‘real’ prayer meetings, pastor saysThey are deaf – but they still need to ‘hear’ the gospelWhy are they always fighting in Israel?Pray – peace in Israel will take a true miracle of GodPublic schools outposts of ministry for many ChristiansFace-to-face vs. electronic? Is e-mail helping or hurting ministry?For Grace Ministries, the object is delivering hope Face-to-face vs. electronic? Is e-mail helping or hurting ministry?For Grace Ministries, the object is delivering hopeLouisiana women urged to ‘discover joy of missions’These people visited the state prison at Angola for Easter. Want to know why?Prison chapelsWeekly AnnouncementsBelgium takes the fight for human rights to courtPending court case could threaten use of ministerial housing allowancesStatistics show students absorb culture’s fixation on alcoholLaughter is ‘vote of confidence in the Lord,’ pastor saysReligion and humor proves a touchy mix for manyLongtime Louisiana Baptist minister, former president diesPreparing for life: Louisiana collegians were urged recently to prepare now for a life of Christian serviceBible translationsDecline in accuracySo many versionsWeekly AnnouncementsLeader urges proactive steps against Internet pornMore and more Christians seeking spiritual directors for help with faithAid workers who were held captive recount horrors, blessingsOur homeland is no longer a safe-haven for ChristianityRankin explains action on 2000 Baptist Faith & MessageLa. Foundation reviews businessLouisiana Baptist heads three New York City relief effortsWeekly AnnouncementsAnnuity Board enlarges coverage of two relief fundsLike it or not, churches must guard against lawsuitsMarriage is good for society, a new report emphasizesAttorney offers help to keep churches out of courtDrinks ‘to go’ – study offers troubling look at impact of alcohol in New OrleansWisner church offers love of Christ to local HispanicsTrue prayerWeekly AnnouncementsDo you know what your minister really is being paid?In the workplace, religious holidays pose a challengeLeader – ‘Put yourself in your community where people are’Where are they now? A new Baptist Message feature revisits past Louisiana Baptist newsmakersFormer LBC Executive Director Mark Short diesLouisiana Acteens launch effort to ‘carry the cross’ throughout the state‘Step’ Martin retires from 33-year Shreveport pastorateBaptist Faith and MessageWeekly AnnouncementsBarna: Today’s youth toughest to reachEvangelism methods must change to reach young people, leader saysBaptists’ second trinity would probably be “e” “s” “t”Weekly BriefsIn Venezuela, couple wants to fight disease and sinSmall Venezuelan church has a dream for this land‘Come, Lord Jesus’‘Get out on the edge,’ pastor urgesRepentance is key, speaker insistsReturn to God, preacher stressesSpeaker – get ‘reoriented’ to GodWeekly AnnouncementsWomen urged to be radically involved with missionsFoundation focuses on helping people commit ‘random acts of kindness’Couple caught outside two languages had a special needWho did those folks think Baptists are, anyway?This Baptist grandmother found the perfect first-time missions site – the New Orleans French QuarterA ‘Super’ Opportunity ( Part 2 )A ‘Super’ Opportunity ( Part 1 )Governor signs pact to allow another Indian casino in LouisianaMaritime ministry reaches out to ‘forgotten people’Weekly AnnouncementsLeader calls on overseas missionaries to affirm 2000 Baptist Faith and MessageLeader cites missions totals, urges continued focus on gospel taskHanging in the sky by a bag of hot air on Valentine’s DayHanging in the sky by a bag of hot air on Valentine’s DayTo grow outwardly, a church may need to look insideShowing the way ( Part 3 )Showing the way ( Part 2 )Showing the way ( Part 1 )Louisiana College grads making a difference – in ChinaFranklinton residents offer a ‘sign’ that Jesus is lordWeekly AnnouncementsGender-neutral Bible still drawing fireWhat do these five world religions say about God?SBC agencies continue to batten down doctrinal hatchesIs your church disability-friendly?For churches, a key to making themselves disability friendly lies in educationWhat would make American teenagers feel guilty?Their missions trip plans fell through – so, they just trusted God to reveal his‘Experiencing God: The Musical’ finale setDisabled friendly?Weekly AnnouncementsCommittee proposes new process for SBC resolutionsMormons rank fifth in members; Southern Baptists still secondForget football – how bad would replays for life be?In land of potatoes, gospel bing planted as wellWeekly BriefsMission completes 25-year struggle, becomes a churchWeekly AnnouncementsUnited States must not compromise on religious freedom, observers warnSept. 11 events renew discussions of good and evilThey trust God and seek to reach the Aymara lostThose folks may determine how hard you hit the groundWeekly BriefsHow does forgiveness relate to September 11 events?‘I knew that prison could be a reality. But it happened a lot sooner than I expected’Poll offers look at the modern state of forgivenessThrough Afghanistan ordeal, they kept faith – and faith kept themStill searching for answers to 2001 while entering 2002Louisiana Baptist churches, readers to benefit when Baptist Message debuts improved quality newsprint in next issueWeekly AnnouncementsHeadline grabbers: Persecution of Christians in countries of India, Pakistan among important storylines to keep eye on in new yearResearcher cites key faith-needed statistics for 2001Students respond to Sept. 11 with aid effortsGod is calling for America to repent, pastor stressesLouisiana Baptists must refocus, leaders emphasizeWeekly BriefsChurches must preach – and teach – about money‘Accidental porn’ ( Article Two )‘Accidental porn’ ( Article One )I have to face it – this face is the only one I haveQuestionable viewpointWeekly AnnouncementsThe fight grows against Swaziland’s ‘hidden disease’« Previous Page 1 … 129 130 131 132 133 … 137 Next Page »