Archive March 23rd, 2015Weekly AnnouncementsWeekly BriefsOur moment in history presents unique missions opportunitiesFor Chechen people, the fallout of war continuesAfter small start, this mission prepares to stand on its own‘For the good of the people’ – a 60-year legacy continuesWeekly AnnouncementsKauflin encourages middle approach towards contemporary worshipSouthern Baptist church membership shows some growth, hits 16.2 millionWeekly Briefs‘It was like God had sent her to us’Making a differenceDuring recent war in Iraq, this church launched its own Operation EmbraceKey issues still to be decided in state legislatureSeeking namesWeekly AnnouncementsChristian books reaching more than just the faithfulPro-life panel agrees that despite momentum shift, still much work to doIf a word spoken in anger is not heard, can it ruin my day?Weekly BriefsBennett’s experience reminds us of scrutiny and blind spotsSuffering for the name of Christ is a subject he knows wellShe prayed for a chance to come to the United States – and she got itLBC Executive Board members hear reports on issues of convention lifePreparing for battle: Christians must understand the spiritual fight they face – and be ready, prof saysWeekly AnnouncementsChristian-based prison program shows success – but faces challengeView North America as a mission field, prof urgesWeekly BriefsNew LBCH leader comes into cherished ministryThere is an explanation for what happened – ‘God worked’On June 8, she needs your prayersBaptist Retirement Center trustees adopt budget, hear report of progressLouisiana Baptist Children’s Home names new leaderWeekly AnnouncementsLeader proposes annual offering for SBC seminariesMice today – humans tomorrow? New research sounding alarm bells for manyBuckle up, Louisiana Baptists – transition time is hereWeekly BriefsFor this LBC church, the weekend was about ‘firsts’ – and experiencing GodWhen he looks at his wrist, his first thought is to prayFoundation, Baptist Message handling tight timesLouisiana Acteens conclude year-long cross-carrying effortHungry for somethingDepends on attitudeExperts advise caution when talking about war with kidsA season of warWith a pen, I could write down this fellow’s unsolicited adviceWeekly BriefsWe must keep feeding the firebox of the Cooperative ProgramTell me a storyState WMU celebrates ‘investment in the future’In the midst of war, New Orleans Seminary mobilizes for prayerWeekly Announcements‘I … pray that whatever I do, God would be the priority’As war in Iraq continues, stories of the role – and the power – of prayer emergeWeekly BriefsIn midst of war – a reminder of the meaning of EasterThis church shows it stands as a gospel ‘lighthouse’Christian movement underway in military, observers maintainKey moral/social issues at stake in Louisiana LegislaturePast – and future: Participants in the recent Louisiana Baptist WMU annual meeting honored the past – while focusing on the challenge of the futureEncouraging experienceWeekly AnnouncementsRecent study shows alarming extent of underage and excessive drinkingSouthern Baptists urged to help meet expected hunger needs for Iraqi peopleWeekly BriefsGod is SO good! (Part Two)God is SO good! (Part One)Legislative session continues – several key measures citedWeekly AnnouncementsDeadline set for overseas missionaries to affirm Baptist Faith and MessageU.S. education secretary defends religious commentsThere is something easy to do – what could go wrong?A church’s careful self-examination would be revealingWeekly BriefsLC weathering tough economic times well, Lee saysLeaders call Louisiana Baptists to time of focused prayerThis Louisianian’s heart long has been with VietnamA cooperative effortDeep gratitudeWeekly AnnouncementsWhy do so many Muslims hate the West so much?The parenting challenge ( Part Two )The parenting challenge ( Part One )Weekly BriefsLouisiana Baptist ministries need the support of ownersStudents show what allowances and lunch money can buyYou throwing money away – or investing?Baptist Retirement Center working for stabilityIn case of terrorist attack, LBC agencies preparedThat the church will ‘see’A ‘spiritual atmosphere’Sad dismissalHorrifying statementPrayer for children’s homeNew LBCH leaderWeekly AnnouncementsNBC casts pastor as ‘preaching hate’Southern Baptist missionary killed in Filipino bomb blastFog, nor rain, nor wind, nor cold could deter that anglerSorry, the advisory board has more than enough membersFamed angler takes faith stand – despite consequencesEvangelizing Muslims starts wtih conversation, building relationshipsWeekly AnnouncementsWhose church is it?Leader – children’s home doing well despite economyAppeals court takes up Louisiana church sales tax exemption caseHe made sure fallen shuttle crew was ‘remembered … and honored’Weekly BriefsWeekly BriefsThe Iraqis and their dictatorship have no defense for thisTall Timbers dig finds artifacts dating to early centuriesFor Mel Gibson, final hours of Christ a true ‘passion’State convention in ‘excellent’ financial shape, leader assertsDepends on attitudeChristian minority in Iraq facing Islamic militancySouthern Baptists respond to news of war with prayerWeekly AnnouncementsI looked two hundred years plus into the futureWeekly BriefsA reason to smile – and hope: Louisiana Baptist collegians bring a message of gospel love to New OrleansGeorgia Barnette offering – ongoing encouragement and funding of Louisiana missionsWhy support the Cooperative Program?Weekly AnnouncementsChurch and the law – personnel responsibilitiesPair of astronauts remembered for their lives of faithWeekly BriefsBob Lee was a good example for Louisiana BaptistsOn Mission Together: Partners in PurposeLongtime Louisiana Baptist leader Robert L. Lee diesStudents bring ‘Louisiana Christmas’ to New York CityHall of Remembrance?God bless youA question of leadershipWhere honor is dueChurch and the law – First Amendment concernsIn the midst of the United States’ most-brutal war – ‘a great revival’Weekly BriefsBob Lee was a good example for Louisiana BaptistsFrom just one small ministry center – they reach the worldIn a word, this Baptist family is – remarkableLouisiana women gather for enrichment – by God’s designThe parenting challengeA hearty thanksRemembering Bob LeeChurch and the law – concerning free speech issuesSBC leaders propose reduced funding for Baptist World Alliance10 Stories to Make One’s Day 1-2Top 10 Headlines« Previous Page 1 … 126 127 128 129 130 … 137 Next Page »